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The Type command file is installed in the SYS:C/ directory by default.



  Latest versions are 46.0 and 54.0


Command Line Usage




FROM: file(s) or file pattern(s) to type.

TO: redirect output to specified file.

OPT <H or N>: same as options HEX and NUMBER. H (HEX) will output file contents as hexadecimal and ASCII data. N (NUMBER) will number the lines of text.

AUTO: will determine if hexadecimal or text mode should be used by examining the first 256 characters of the file.

TEXT: in default text mode prevents unprintable characters from being output.

WIDTH <num>: in hexadecimal mode sets the number of columns that will be used for the output of file data. If 0 is used as a parameter the number of columns will be set by the width of the current console window.

BUFFER: sets the buffer size used for reading the file data. Default is 4096 bytes.

MULTI: will also search for multi-assignment paths.

HEADER: will print a filename header before each file's contents.


Can be made resident:

V46: Yes

V54: No



  Copyright (C) 2024 AmigaKit Ltd. Distributed with the Enhancer Software under licence.