SensorMaster Library
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TABLE OF CONTENTS sensormaster/main/EndNotify sensormaster/main/FullSensorTable sensormaster/main/ReadFromManyByType sensormaster/main/ReadFromOneSensor sensormaster/main/SensorTableByType sensormaster/main/StartNotify sensormaster/main/TotalSensors sensormaster/main/WriteToOneSensor sensormaster/main/EndNotify sensormaster/main/EndNotify NAME EndNotify -- Removes resources allocated by StartNotify(). SYNOPSIS BOOL EndNotify(const APTR Trigger); FUNCTION This is the clean-up function to be called after StartNotify(). INPUTS APTR Trigger : The APTR resulting from calling StartNotify() RESULT BOOL : Wheather it succeded or not. EXAMPLE See StartNotify() for a (somewhat) complete example. NOTES You must call EndNotify even on notifications that haven't been triggered. BUGS SEE ALSO StartNotify(), libraries/sensormaster.h , libraries/hm_sensor.h sensormaster/main/FullSensorTable sensormaster/main/FullSensorTable NAME FullSensorTable -- Return the full table of available sensors. SYNOPSIS uint32 FullSensorTable(void * const buffer, const uint32 length); FUNCTION INPUTS buffer : pointer to an already allocated buffer to receive the buffer table . length : size of the buffer above. This should be sized in according to wh at TotalSensors() return. RESULT uint32: The actual amount of data written to the buffer. EXAMPLE const size_t s_table_size = sizeof(Sensor) * TotalSensors(); buffer = AllocVecTags(s_table_size, TAG_DONE); uint32 result = FullSensorTable(buffer, s_table_size); [use it] FreeVec(s_table_size); NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO TotalSensors(), libraries/sensormaster.h sensormaster/main/ReadFromManyByType sensormaster/main/ReadFromManyByType NAME ReadFromManyByType -- Returns all readings for one kind of sensor (by u nit of measure) only. SYNOPSIS uint32 ReadFromManyByType(const enum UnitOfMeasure Unit, struct FullSen sorReading * const Buffer, const uint32 buffer_size); FUNCTION This function is intended for those clients that only care about monitoring ONE kind of measure, might it be fans, voltages or anything else currently supported. INPUTS Unit The unit of measure you want to know about: see libraries/hm_sensor.h for definitions. Buffer A pre-allocated buffer to hold enough items. Note that this will be filled with FullSensorReading entries! Buffer_size The size of said buffer. RESULT uint32: size of the actual buffer used. EXAMPLE NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO ReadFromOneSensor(), SensorTableByType() sensormaster/main/ReadFromOneSensor sensormaster/main/ReadFromOneSensor NAME ReadFromOneSensor -- Reads a sensor value (shocker!) SYNOPSIS BOOL ReadFromOneSensor(const uint32 index, SensorLevelType * const stor age); FUNCTION Reads the value from one sensor. INPUTS index: which sensor to read. This index corresponds to the position of this sensor in the table returned by TotalSensors(ANY_UNIT) or si_Index in the table r eturned by SensorTableByType(). storage: pointer to a destination where to write the sensor value. RESULT BOOL: success. Returns TRUE if the read was successfull, FALSE if eith er 'index' is too large or said sensor is not readable. EXAMPLE NOTES It's up to each sensor sub-library to read the value and possibly cache it. Thus it's possible that a value has been cached according to the polling in terval. BUGS SEE ALSO sensormaster/main/SensorTableByType sensormaster/main/SensorTableByType NAME SensorTableByType -- Returns a table of all sensors by type. SYNOPSIS uint32 SensorTableByType(struct SensorIdent * buffer, const uint32 leng th, const enum UnitOfMeasure type); FUNCTION INPUTS buffer: A properly allocated buffer for SensorIdent structures length: the length of the buffer. type: which type of sensor you want. RESULT uint32: the actual size of the buffer that was used (written to). EXAMPLE NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO sensormaster/main/StartNotify sensormaster/main/StartNotify NAME StartNotify -- Register for notification on sensor level change. SYNOPSIS BOOL StartNotify(const uint32 sensor_number, const SensorLevelType leve l, enum SensorCondition condition, const struct MsgPort * const call_me_maybe, const uint32 userdata); FUNCTION Registers for a notification upon level change. This function *MUST* be pai red with a corresponding call to EndNotify(). Internally, it allocates a full TriggerMessage on the caller's behalf, and sends it via PutMsg() to the sensormaster notification process. Once a notification is started, the caller must wait on the supplied Messa ge Port. Multiple notifications can be active at the same time; if this is the case , to distinguish between different notifications, the caller can use the "tok en" parameter. Once the caller receives the notification (via a properly filled-up Trigge rMessage), it must call EndNotify(). INPUTS sensor_number: the number of sensor this trigger refers to. Sensors are num bered from 0 and found via FullSensorTable() (or SensorTableByType() ). level: the level you want to trigger the sensor on. Remember to use values consistent with the type of each sensor. Check for those in include/hm_sensor.h. condition: to be paired with the above, one of SC_BELOW, SC_ABOVE, SC_EXA CT. SC_BELOW and SC_ABOVE respectively resolve to <= and >= . Don't use SC_EXACT unless you really mean it. call_me_maybe: message port to send the TriggerMessage back to. userdata: can be anything the user-program wants to. It'll be put in the T riggerMessage structure that'll be sent back to the message port, in the tm_UserData fiel d. RESULT APTR : an opaque handle representing the trigger. To be passed to EndN otify() to deallocate associated resources. EXAMPLE MsgPort * mport = (MsgPort*)IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_PORT, ASOPORT_AllocSig, TRUE, ASOPORT_Action, PA_SIGNAL, ASOPORT_Target, IExec->FindTask(NULL), TAG_DONE); APTR handle=nullptr; handle = StartNotify(16, 300l, SC_BELOW, mport, 666); if(handle != nullptr) { IExec->WaitPort(mport); //Trigger arrived!! EndNotify(handle); } NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO EndNotify(), libraries/sensormaster.h , libraries/hm_sensor.h sensormaster/main/TotalSensors sensormaster/main/TotalSensors NAME TotalSensors -- Returns total number of sensors. SYNOPSIS uint32 TotalSensors(const enum UnitOfMeasure unit); FUNCTION Returns the total number of sensors available in the system. The unit of measure parameter can be used to filter out what kind you want . INPUTS Unit : which unit of measure the sensors belong to. You can supply ANY_UNIT (conveniently numbered 0) to have the complete number. RESULT uint32 : the total number of sensor for the type supplied in "Unit" or all of them if ANY_UNIT was used. EXAMPLE NOTES BUGS Sheesh! My code is perfect! SEE ALSO SensorTableByType() , libraries/hm_sensor.h sensormaster/main/WriteToOneSensor sensormaster/main/WriteToOneSensor NAME WriteToOneSensor -- Writes to one sensor. No surprise there. SYNOPSIS BOOL WriteToOneSensor(const uint32 index, const SensorLevelType value); FUNCTION Writes the supplied value to the sensor specified in 'index'. INPUTS index: index for the sensor to write, as seen in the full sensor table retu rned by FullSensorTable() or in SensorIdent->si_Index from SensorTableByType(). RESULT BOOL: success. True if the sensor allows writing to it. EXAMPLE NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO FullSensorTable(), SensorTableByType()