TuneNet Arexx
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TABLE OF CONTENTS arexx/AddTunes arexx/First arexx/GetBroadcast arexx/GetPlayListInfo arexx/GetRecord arexx/GetRecordFileName arexx/GetRepeat arexx/GetShuffle arexx/GetStatus arexx/GetTuneInfo arexx/GetVolume arexx/Last arexx/Mute arexx/Next arexx/NextSubTrack arexx/Pause arexx/Play arexx/Previous arexx/PreviousSubTrack arexx/Quit arexx/RemoveTune arexx/Repeat arexx/Seek arexx/Stop arexx/ToggleBroadcast arexx/ToggleRecord arexx/ToggleShuffle arexx/Volume arexx/AddTunes arexx/AddTunes NAME AddTunes - add 1 or more tunes to the playlist without playing. FORMAT ADDTUNES NAMES/M/A TEMPLATE ADDTUNES <name> [<name> ...] FUNCTION Adds a lits of tunes to the playlist, tunenames are space delimetered so any tune names with spaces must be quoted. Playlists in the M3U format will be parsed and each file appended to the current playlist. arexx/First arexx/First NAME First - play the first song in the play list FORMAT FIRST TEMPLATE FUNCTION Plays the first song in the playlist. RESULT First song will play. RC = 0 => Succesfully started song. RC = 10 => No play started (perhaps no song available?) RC = 15 => Hard Error. RC = 5 => Warning failed but retry might succede. arexx/GetBroadcast arexx/GetBroadcast NAME GetBroadcast FORMAT GETBROADCAST TEMPLATE FUNCTION Retrieve the current broadcast status. The function will return the status in the result variable. 0 = Normal play 1 = Broadcasting arexx/GetPlayListInfo arexx/GetPlayListInfo NAME GetPlayListInfo - retrieve information about the tunes in the playlist FORMAT GETPLAAYLISTTINFO [ <stem> ] TEMPLATE GETPLAYLISTTINFO STEM/K FUNCTION Retrieves information about the playlist, if the stem variable is passed structured information about the tunes in the list is returned in the stem. If no present theen the simply the number of tunes in the list is returned. OPTIONS NO OPTION Return number of tunes in the list. STEM Specify a stem variable to write the TuneInfo into The list of attributes is placed under substem in the format STEM.ATTRS.n.ATTR STEM.ATTRS.0 gives the number of attributes then STEM.ATTRS.n.ATTR gives the name of the attributes then the attribute data is added to the main stem under each attribute name. See ggetTuneInfo for a list of supported attributes. * The number of tunes in the list is placed in STEM.0 Then the data for each tune is placed under STEM.n where n is 1 through to the number of tunes. eg STEM.3.FILENAME Some attributes will be blank until the file has been played. SEE ALSO arx/GetTuneInfo arexx/GetRecord arexx/GetRecord NAME GetRecord FORMAT GETRECORD TEMPLATE FUNCTION Retrieve the current record status. The function will return the status in the result variable. 0 = Normal play 1 = Recording arexx/GetRecordFileName arexx/GetRecordFileName NAME GetRecordFileName FORMAT GETRECORDFILENAME TEMPLATE FUNCTION Retrieve the current record filename. The filename is returned in the result variable, or RC is set to 5 if not available. It may not be available when not recording or if a record settings error has occured. arexx/GetRepeat arexx/GetRepeat NAME GetRepeat FORMAT GETREPEAT TEMPLATE FUNCTION Retrieve the current repeat status. The function will return the status in the result variable. 0 = Normal play 1 = Repeat song 2 = Repeat playlist arexx/GetShuffle arexx/GetShuffle NAME GetShuffle FORMAT GETSHUFFLE TEMPLATE FUNCTION Retrieve the current shuffle status. The function will return the status in the result variable. 0 = Normal play 1 = Shufle enabled arexx/GetStatus arexx/GetStatus NAME GetStatus FORMAT GETSTATUS TEMPLATE FUNCTION Retrieve the current player status. The function will return the status in the result variable. 0 = Stopped 1 = Playing 2 = Paused Important Note: The Tunenet Player process may not always respond to play / stop / pauses requests instantly, so calling GETSTATUS immediatly after PLAY PAUSE STOP etc is not a good way to test success. arexx/GetTuneInfo arexx/GetTuneInfo NAME GetTuneInfo - retrieve information about the currently playing Tune FORMAT GETTUNEINFO <attr> | <stem> TEMPLATE GETTUNEINFO ATTR/K STEM/K FUNCTION Retrieves information about the current Tune. OPTIONS ATTR Retrieves a specific attribute and returns it in the result variable. Attributes supported at time of writing include: FILENAME Full path of file being played. TUNENAME Name of tune or filename part if unnamed. ARTIST Artist information ALBUM POSITION Position in playlist PLAYCOUNT Current playcount. GENRE ID3 Genre name DURATION Tune duration SONGNUM Song track number A complete list of attributes available mey be queried via the STEM see below. STEM Specify a stem variable to write the TuneInfo into The list of attributes is placed under substem in the format STEM.ATTRS.n.ATTR STEM.ATTRS.0 gives the number of attributes then STEM.ATTRS.n.ATTR gives the name of the attributes then the attribute data is added to the main stem under each attribute name See Rexx/TuneInfo.rexx for example usage. arexx/GetVolume arexx/GetVolume NAME GetVolume - find the current playback volume FORMAT GETVOLUME TEMPLATE GETVOLUME FUNCTION Gets the current playback volume RESULT Resturns the current volume in RESULT as a percentage. arexx/Last arexx/Last NAME Last - play the last song in the play list FORMAT LAST TEMPLATE FUNCTION Plays the last songg in the playlist. RESULT First song will play. RC = 0 => Succesfully started song. RC = 10 => No play started (perhaps no song available?) RC = 15 => Hard Error. RC = 5 => Warning failed but retry might succede. arexx/Mute arexx/Mute NAME Mute - mute playback volume FORMAT MUTE ON | OFF TEMPLATE ON/S OFF/S FUNCTION Mutes or unmutes the volume. MUTE ON sets the effective volume to 0 MUTE OFF sets the volume back to what it was before muting *or* if the volume has been chnaged whilst muted to the new volume. arexx/Next arexx/Next NAME Next - Advance to the next song in the play list. FORMAT NEXT TEMPLATE FUNCTION Advances plsyback to the next song in the current list. RESULT Next song will plsy RC = 0 => Succesfully started song. RC = 10 => No play started (perhaps no song available?) RC = 15 => Hard Error. RC = 5 => Warning failed but retry might succede. arexx/NextSubTrack arexx/NextSubTrack NAME NextSubTrack - Advance to the next subtrack FORMAT NEXTSUBTRACK TEMPLATE FUNCTION Advances playback to the next subtrack in the current tune. arexx/Pause arexx/Pause NAME Pause - Pause playback FORMAT PAUSE TEMPLATE FUNCTION Pause playback. Pause will toggle so if called again playback will resume from the same point as it stopped at.. RESULT Song will stop playing or resume playing if paused. arexx/Play arexx/Play NAME Play - Play the current song FORMAT PLAY TEMPLATE FUNCTION Start playing the current song. RESULT Song will play or return an error via RC. RC = 0 => Succesfully started song. RC = 10 => No play started (perhaps no song available?) RC = 15 => Hard Error. RC = 5 => Warning failed but retry might succede. arexx/Previous arexx/Previous NAME Previous - move to the previous song in the play list. FORMAT PREVIOUS TEMPLATE FUNCTION Gooes back to the previous song in the current list. RESULT Previous song wil play or return an error in RC RC = 0 => Succesfully started song. RC = 10 => No play started (perhaps no song available?) RC = 15 => Hard Error. RC = 5 => Warning failed but retry might succede. arexx/PreviousSubTrack arexx/PreviousSubTrack NAME PreviousSubTrack - move to the previous subtrck in the current tune FORMAT PREVIOUSSUBTRACK TEMPLATE FUNCTION Gooes back to the previous subtrack in the current tune arexx/Quit arexx/Quit NAME Quit - Quit TuneNet FORMAT Quit TEMPLATE FUNCTION Causes program to quit as if the close button had been pressed. arexx/RemoveTune arexx/RemoveTune NAME RemoveTune - remove a tune from the playlist. FORMAT REMOVETUNE [ <index> ] TEMPLATE REMOVETUNE INDEX/N FUNCTION Removes a tune from the playlist. If no index is provided the currently selected tune is removed. If an index is provided the tune at that position in the playlist is removed. After the tune is removed the playlist is renumbered. NB: If the tune removed from the playlist is playing then it will continue to play untill finished or the STOP command is sent. arexx/Repeat arexx/Repeat NAME Repeat - set the repeat mode. FORMAT REPEAT ON | OFF | PLAYLIST TEMPLATE ON/S,OFF/S,PLAYLIST/S FUNCTION Sets how repeat is handled or switches it off. arexx/Seek arexx/Seek NAME Seek - move the play position to the new time. FORMAT SEEK [ <time> ] TEMPLATE SEEK TIME/K/N FUNCTION Advance or rewind playback to the new time. If no time is passed it will return the current time offset in RESULT arexx/Stop arexx/Stop NAME Stop - Stop playback FORMAT STOP TEMPLATE FUNCTION Stop playback. If restarted the song will play from the beginning. RESULT Song will stop playing. arexx/ToggleBroadcast arexx/ToggleBroadcast NAME ToggleBroadcast - Toggle the broadcast mode FORMAT TOGGLEBROADCAST TEMPLATE FUNCTION Toggles the broadcast state. RESULT Request TuneNet to start broadcasting, success depends on correct settings. arexx/ToggleRecord arexx/ToggleRecord NAME ToggleRecord - Toggle the record mode. FORMAT TOGGLERECORD TEMPLATE FUNCTION Toggles the record mode on or off. arexx/ToggleShuffle arexx/ToggleShuffle NAME ToggleShuffle - Toggle the ahuffle playback mode FORMAT TOGGLESHUFFLE TEMPLATE FUNCTION Toggles the "shuffle" playback mode on or off. RESULT When shuffle is on playlist will advance in random order. arexx/Volume arexx/Volume NAME Volume - set the playback volume. FORMAT VOLUME <volume> TEMPLATE VOLUME VOLUME/N FUNCTION Sets the current playback volume